Course Syllabus


Your course syllabus has a "Schedule of Assignments" within it that lists all your due dates for any and all chapter quizzes / discussion boards / exams you will be expected to complete this semester.  I wanted to remind everyone that with exception to the Exam dates, all other due dates are just that . . . the last day they can be turned in without penalty.  So for example, you'll notice that your week-ends are basically free, while your week days are loaded with content.  This was created on purpose knowing that students would most likely work ahead or at the very least keep an eye on upcoming assignments so they could keep on pace and not get behind.  Lastly, before you ask . . . yes, you can work ahead on your Discussion Boards and Chapter Quizzes.  Many of your classmates will do this to lessen some of their work load for a portion of our course due to personal concerns that might impact their ability to submit assignments.  I only caution you to not get so far ahead you overload yourself when it comes time for the exam and you've "forgotten" the content being assessed.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the course syllabus or any other portion of our course.

Fall 2015 Syllabus - 1301.IN1-1.pdf



Course Summary:

Date Details Due